More information about scientific work of our staff can be found at their pages.
N. V. Mamaev, D. V. Yurin, A. S. Krylov. “Finding the parameters of a nonlinear diffusion denoising method by ridge analysis” // Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2018, pp. 334−343.
N. Mamaev, A. Krylov, D. Yurin. “Choice of the regularization parameter for total variation image denoising using no-reference metric” // Proceedings of the International Conferences IHCI, GET and CGVCVIP, 2018, pp. 253−260.
A. Krylov, F. Guryanov, N. Mamaev, D. Yurin. “Fast estimation of downsampling factor for biomedical image registration” // 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Imaging, Signal Processing (ICBSP 2018), 2018, pp. 36−40.
N. V. Mamaev, A. S. Lukin, D. V. Yurin. “HeNLM-LA3D: A Three-Dimensional Locally Adaptive Hermite Functions Expansion Based Non-Local Means Algorithm for CT Applications” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 25, No. 4, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015, pp. 658−668. Springer.
N. Mamaev, A. Lukin, D. Yurin. “HeNLM-3D: A 3D Computer Tomography Image Denoising Algorithm” // In: The 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing. United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 28–30 May 2014, Minsk, Belarus, 2014, pp. 176−180. PDF.
N. V. Mamaev, A. S. Lukin, D. V. Yurin. “HeNLM–LA: a Locally Adaptive Nonlocal Means Algorithm Based on Hermite Functions Expansion” // Programming and Computer Software, Vol. 40, No. 4, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014, pp. 199−207. PDF_(draft,en).
M. V. Storozhilova, A. S. Lukin, D. V. Yurin, V. E. Sinitsyn. “2.5D Extension of Neighborhood Filters for Noise Reduction in 3D Medical CT Images” // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7870, 2013, pp. 1−16. Springer.
M. V. Storozhilova, D. V. Yurin. “Fast Rank Algorithms Based on Multiscale Histograms and Lazy Calculations” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 23, No. 3, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013, p. 367–374. Springer.
N. Mamaev, A. Lukin, D. Yurin, M. Glazkova, V. Sinitsin. “Hermite Functions Expansion Based Non-Local Means Algorithm for CT Applications” // In: 11-th International Conference “Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies”, Vol. 2. Russia, Samara, 2013, pp. 638−641. PDF.
A. Levashov, D. Yurin. “Ridge and tree feature detection on images” // In: 11-th International Conference "Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies", Vol. 1. Russia, Samara, 2013, pp. 240−243. PDF.
A. E. Levashov, D. V. Yurin. “Fast Parametric Curves Detection Based on Statistical Hypotheses Estimation” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 23, No. 4, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013, pp. 445−454. Springer.
Kuo-Liang Chung, Yong-Huai Huang, Shi-Ming Shen, A. S. Krylov, D. V. Yurin, E. V. Semeikina. “Efficient sampling strategy and refinement strategy for randomized circle detection” // Pattern Recognition, Vol. 45, No. 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, pp. 252−263.
A. S. Krylov, D. V. Sorokin, D. V. Yurin, E. V. Semeikina. “Use of color information for keypoints detection and descriptors construction” // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering, Vol. 7202, 2012, pp. 389−396. Springer.
N. A. Khanina, E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Scale-space color blob and ridge detection” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, No. 1, 2012, pp. 221−227. Springer.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin, A. S. Krylov, Kuo-Liang Chung, Yong-Huai Huang. “Scale-space line curvature estimation for straight line and circle detection” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 22, No. 1, Springer, 2012, pp. 360−370. Springer.
M. V. Storozhilova, A. S. Lukin, D. V. Yurin, V. E. Sinitsyn. “Two approaches for noise filtering in 3D medical CT-images” // In: 22-th International Conference on Computer Graphics GraphiCon'2012. Moscow, Russia, 2012, pp. 68−72. PDF.
N. A. Khanina, E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Color Blob and Line Detection in Scale-Space” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 2, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011, pp. 267−269. Link.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Circle Detection Based on Multiscale Edge Curvature Estimation” // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 2, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011, pp. 318−320. Link.
M. V. Storozhilova, D. V. Yurin. “Fast rank algorithms based on multiscale histograms” // In: 21-th International Conference on Computer Graphics GraphiCon'2011. Moscow, Russia, 2011, pp. 132−135. PDF.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Scale-space color blob detection” // In: 21-th International Conference on Computer Graphics GraphiCon'2011. Moscow, Russia, 2011, pp. 169−172. PDF.
M. Storozhilova, D. Yurin. “Fast Rank Algorithms with Multiscale Histograms Lazy Updating” // In: 8th Open German-Russian Workshop “Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding” (OGRW-8-2011). Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, November 21-26, 2011, 2011, pp. 280−283. PDF.
A. Levashov, D. Yurin. “Accurate and Reliable Framework for Fast Parametric Curves Detection” // In: 8th Open German-Russian Workshop “Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding” (OGRW-8-2011). Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, November 21-26, 2011, pp. 178−181. PDF.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Scale Space Edge Curvature Estimation and Its Application to Straight Lines Detection” // In: 20-th International Conference on Computer Graphics GraphiCon'2010. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010, pp. 133−136. PDF.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Circle Detection based on Scale Space Edge Curvature Estimation” // In: Proceedings of 10th Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010, pp. 325−328.
N. Khanina, E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “Color Blob and Ridge Detection” // In: Proceedings of 10th Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010, pp. 289−292.
D. B. Volegov, D. V. Yurin. “Preliminary Coarse Image Registration by Using Straight Lines Found on Them for Constructing Super Resolution Mosaics and 3D Scene Recovery” // Programming and Computer Software, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2008, pp. 279−293. Link.
D. Yurin. “Image Registration: Color Image Synthesis from Data Obtained from Satellites Pushbroom Cameras” // In: 18-th International Conference on Computer Graphics GraphiCon'2008. Moscow, Russia, 2008, pp. 142−149. PDF.
E. V. Semeikina, D. V. Yurin. “An Approach to Finding and Refinement Planes in 3D Points Cloud, Obtained Under 3D Recovery from Image Set” // In: MEDIAS-Dialog The International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus, 2008, pp. 65−69. PDF.
A. A. Kravtsov, D. V. Yurin. “Image Processing Algorithms Integration System” // In: MEDIAS-Dialog The International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus, 2008, pp. 52−57. PDF.
D. V. Yurin. “Pipe Line Filtering” // In: MEDIAS-Dialog The International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus, 2008, pp. 25−28. PDF.
N. Mamaev, D. Yurin, A. Krylov. “Choice of the parameter for BM3D denoising algorithm using no-reference metric” // 7th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), 2008, pp. 1−6.
N. V. Sveshnikova, D. V. Yurin. “3D Recovery with Simultaneous Accuracy Estimation and the Following Mesh Refinement” // In: 2007 International Conference On Cyberworlds. 2007, pp. 33−40. PDF (Draft).
D. B. Volegov, D. V. Yurin. “Preliminary image registration for creation of virtual models of real objects” // In: 2007 International Conference on Cyberworlds. 2007, pp. 233−240. PDF (Draft).
N. V. Sveshnikova, D. V. Yurin. “A Priori and A Posteriori Error Estimates in Recovery of 3D Scenes by Factorization Algorithms” // Programming and Computer Software, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2004, pp. 278−294. PDF (at SpringerLink).